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Hello dear. My name is Eva and I love life. I'm here to document what I can.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Come on weekend, come on!

This week cannot go any slower.  This week is supposed to be my totally relax weekend. Do nothing all weekend (except do a half ass job of cleaning my room.) Just watch disbursing amounts of How I Met Your Mother and Gilmore Girls (as if there is such a thing as too much??!) Not shower, not get in regular clothes. Man, I'm getting excited just to think about it. Unlike a lot of people, I love my "alone time." I need it in order to stay relaxed and happy. This weekend I will be relaxed and happy. Is that healthy? Probably not.

 Went to Rochester this past weekend to stay with Sadie, my big sister, and her boyfriend. Time flew, especially when I forced them to watch The Human Centipede 2, and half way through it we were all gagging and we shut it off. Yuck. Anyways, Sadie and I also did awesome face masks! I went shopping, got some new stuff, and got the best Mexican food ever for dinner.

 I had a  pretty great weekend. However, this week I've been slacking so much, thankfully its only Wednesday so I have time to catch up. I'm gonna be a senior so soon (AH!)

Yesterday, some of my closest friends and I drove around town, wasting gas. We went on some hill to look at windmills, and although I think it's against the law, highly dangerous, or both, we all stood directly under one, and took pictures. It was super cold, but totally worth it!

It was a great day with my girls.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Topless Tuesday

This week is going by so slowly! But it's been good so far.
I haven't done anything that was on my last weeks to do list, or today's to do list. I suck. However, I did start my American project! (I won't say it was due on Monday...) But, hey - I stayed after school for an hour to work on it! Dedication!
I'm too busy on Picnik right now. 

Back to business.
Some hot topics that have been annoying me to no end:

  • Facebook
  • Stupid girls
That's it, really.

I've been spending a lot more time on Facebook now that I actually have internet at my house. The girls who I see on a regular basis in my classes, the girls who seem nice but not really the type of friends I would have, are absolute snobs on Facebook. Not snobby to me, just snobby in general. Either they complain about how much they hate Facebook now, or how much they hate some girl who has the same hair color as them and think they're coping them. These are just some of the examples, because what they're actually like is worse. But the thing is, I'm in no position to judge them. I'll admit, I've had a few feuds with girls on Twitter/Facebook, and I'm not proud (maybe just a little, though.) And every time someone is annoyed with me from what I post, that makes me mad as hell. I always say, "If you don't like what you read on MY profile, then stop reading it or delete me." Believe me, I will not be offended. Which is why I don't want to say anything to these girls. 1.) It's not even about me, and is none of my business. 2.) That would be hypocritical of me. So, I guess this leaves me to keep my mouth shut, or take my own advice and delete them. Teenage Problems. Complain Mode - over. 

Some good notes to leave off with: Got a 100 on my cosmetology test today! I thought I would get at least an 80, so hey-o on that! I ate pretty healthy today. I dressed like a girl (I usually wear jeans, t-shirts, flannels/hood's.) I just remembered I have homework, so I'll go do that right after this. I have gym class tomorrow and Boces gym is awesome (and should hardly be considered a gym class since we played Wii for the first two weeks, and my gym teacher is a dream boat.)

Party on!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Spring Break Comes To An End.

Please don't make me go back to school :'( I have to much to do before Monday, and I just wanna sit in my pajamas and watch Gilmore Girls.

  • Clean my bird cage
  • Clean my room
Okay... So it's really not that much. But you should see my room, and my bird cage. ATROCIOUS.

Absolutely horrible.

Spring break is almost over, and I have done nothing. I feel extremely relaxed and I'm so ready for Junior year to be over. I spent a few days in Rochester with my sister, her boyfriend, and puggle. I miss my sister every day, but I'm glad she's with the best boyfriend in the world now. He is one cool cat. Besides working, I've finally finished my community service (hey-ooo!!) Due to a past indecent of  police callings on a certain someone's awesome underage party, (me? nahhhhhh!) my friends and I got 20 hours of community service. A friend and I got ours done last week (how proud are you?) Luckily, we had to do it at the Humane Society, so we mostly got to play with puppies. We weren't complaining.

Work was interesting today. I'm a Prep Cook at an assisted living home for old people (I'm sorry, but there's no delicate way to say this without seeming like a tool.) I got to train a new prep cook, a girl who I've never talked to a day in my life, Tatiana, who is actually in my English 11 class. She was super nice, and I think I made a new friend in school. It was just freaking me out that I, one of the youngest employees at my job got to train someone new. And as of last week, I've been working as a Prep Cook there for a year. Go me!

I own two adorable Zebra Finches, and have for almost two years. Miss Alma Peregrine, and Jeremy Finch.   Alma Peregrine because of my all time favorite book, Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, by Ransom Riggs. Jeremy Finch because of To Kill A Mockingbird. We bought them a nest, and a few months later, they had five little babies. We got to watch them grow. We saw how they were fed, (ew) who was more advanced than the others, and go to see them turn into full grown Zebra Finches. I gave two away to a good home with my cousins, a boy and a girl, and kept the rest, two girls and a boy, along with Alma and Jem. One died! The only boy left, besides the dad. He took forever to learn to fly, and feed himself, but after awhile he finally got it. He was kind of the runt, if there even is such a thing with birds? I've recently gave away the two remaining girls, Bryn and Blake (Vampire Weekend songs!) to the pet store across the street.
I'm keeping Jem and Alma until they die. I love them so so much! (No matter how dirty their cage has been lately...)

Jeremy is the tiny one with bright orange cheeks. Alma is the plain brown fatty except her pretty little beak. I love them!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

First Time For Everything

Hello, loves! I am happy to say that thanks to cousin Sara, I finally have a blog. As nervous as I am that I'll have nothing to talk about and lose interest soon after, I'm also excited. I told my mom that my life isn't interesting enough to have a blog. She disagrees. She says that this is almost the end of my youth. I'll be going off to college soon, and now is the perfect time to start writing my thoughts and hopes for the future. 

My cousin Sara, http://www.whysara.blogspot.com/, told me I should start blogging. She can't wait to look back on here when she's older and read all the things she had posted, and I couldn't agree more! But when I picture "Bloggers," I picture college hipsters (don't ask me why, but that's what comes to mind.) However, I look through other people's blogs, and I realize there are so many unique people, hipsters and non-hipsters, writing their experiences down, just like me. And I can't help but think that's pretty freakin' cool. It's a good thing my Tegan and Sara Radio on Pandora helps my creative juices flow, or else!
Big brother Thomas J. Hitting me with a light saber and distracting me from my blogging. Personal space? I've never heard of such a thing, and clearly neither has he. We secretly love each other.