About Me

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Hello dear. My name is Eva and I love life. I'm here to document what I can.

I Love...

Through out the years, I've accumulated a lot of interests. 

I love the people in my life:

My Mom. She is my best friend, my mentor, and my go to girl. She has taught me everything I know. Of course we fight, but what mother and daughter don't? She lets me make my own mistakes, but is always there to help me fix it. I can tell her anything, judge free. I hope that she is as proud of me as I am of her. 
My beautiful big sissy. I am beyond proud of her accomplishments, and she is such a great role model. She shows me that love is real. She teaches me to do my own thing, and do what makes me happy. And although she learned that the hard way, I hope now she's as happy as she seems, because if anyone deserves it, it's her.
My brother. He annoys me to no end, doesn't know his own strength, and is the best manipulator I know. And without him, my life would be dull. I'd probably be a lot more girly if it weren't for him too(but he got me into playing with Lego's, snakes, swords, and guns. Not to mention my love of Star Wars...) But as much as he irritates me, I love him, and I'm glad he's in my life. (No matter how much I complain about him.)
Cousin! We don't always see eye to eye, but we know how to have a good time. We've got the greatest memories, and will continue to make more. No matter how many miles apart we will soon be, I know we'll always be best friends. We have the best childhoods, because we have each other. 

Other loves who mean the world to me: SVI, LJG, BNR, HKM, SAL, MMG, JKN, EJJ.

Other loves:

I'm an Aquarius, and I'm proud!
Pretty much anything Hello Kitty. I actually have this toothbrush (Thanks LJG!)
Japanese Cherry Trees.
The Sims!

Music, of course.
The best documentary I've seen in a long time. I can't handle all the cuteness. 
Coconut iced coffee, and black tea is where it's at!
White Rice, yesss.
Lucille Ball, classic.
How I Met Your Mother is the best... True story!

Gilmore Girls, why is this show so awesome?
Golden Girls, can't go wrong.

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