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Hello dear. My name is Eva and I love life. I'm here to document what I can.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Topless Tuesday

This week is going by so slowly! But it's been good so far.
I haven't done anything that was on my last weeks to do list, or today's to do list. I suck. However, I did start my American project! (I won't say it was due on Monday...) But, hey - I stayed after school for an hour to work on it! Dedication!
I'm too busy on Picnik right now. 

Back to business.
Some hot topics that have been annoying me to no end:

  • Facebook
  • Stupid girls
That's it, really.

I've been spending a lot more time on Facebook now that I actually have internet at my house. The girls who I see on a regular basis in my classes, the girls who seem nice but not really the type of friends I would have, are absolute snobs on Facebook. Not snobby to me, just snobby in general. Either they complain about how much they hate Facebook now, or how much they hate some girl who has the same hair color as them and think they're coping them. These are just some of the examples, because what they're actually like is worse. But the thing is, I'm in no position to judge them. I'll admit, I've had a few feuds with girls on Twitter/Facebook, and I'm not proud (maybe just a little, though.) And every time someone is annoyed with me from what I post, that makes me mad as hell. I always say, "If you don't like what you read on MY profile, then stop reading it or delete me." Believe me, I will not be offended. Which is why I don't want to say anything to these girls. 1.) It's not even about me, and is none of my business. 2.) That would be hypocritical of me. So, I guess this leaves me to keep my mouth shut, or take my own advice and delete them. Teenage Problems. Complain Mode - over. 

Some good notes to leave off with: Got a 100 on my cosmetology test today! I thought I would get at least an 80, so hey-o on that! I ate pretty healthy today. I dressed like a girl (I usually wear jeans, t-shirts, flannels/hood's.) I just remembered I have homework, so I'll go do that right after this. I have gym class tomorrow and Boces gym is awesome (and should hardly be considered a gym class since we played Wii for the first two weeks, and my gym teacher is a dream boat.)

Party on!

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