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Hello dear. My name is Eva and I love life. I'm here to document what I can.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Come on weekend, come on!

This week cannot go any slower.  This week is supposed to be my totally relax weekend. Do nothing all weekend (except do a half ass job of cleaning my room.) Just watch disbursing amounts of How I Met Your Mother and Gilmore Girls (as if there is such a thing as too much??!) Not shower, not get in regular clothes. Man, I'm getting excited just to think about it. Unlike a lot of people, I love my "alone time." I need it in order to stay relaxed and happy. This weekend I will be relaxed and happy. Is that healthy? Probably not.

 Went to Rochester this past weekend to stay with Sadie, my big sister, and her boyfriend. Time flew, especially when I forced them to watch The Human Centipede 2, and half way through it we were all gagging and we shut it off. Yuck. Anyways, Sadie and I also did awesome face masks! I went shopping, got some new stuff, and got the best Mexican food ever for dinner.

 I had a  pretty great weekend. However, this week I've been slacking so much, thankfully its only Wednesday so I have time to catch up. I'm gonna be a senior so soon (AH!)

Yesterday, some of my closest friends and I drove around town, wasting gas. We went on some hill to look at windmills, and although I think it's against the law, highly dangerous, or both, we all stood directly under one, and took pictures. It was super cold, but totally worth it!

It was a great day with my girls.

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