About Me

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Hello dear. My name is Eva and I love life. I'm here to document what I can.

About Eva

My name is Eva Marie, but a lot of family and close friends call me Beebs. I live in a super small town, and I can't wait to get out of here and see the world. I'm a Junior in high school, but spend half my school day at Boces, a vocational school, and I study cosmetology. I plan on getting my licence after graduating, working in a salon, and after a year, going to college for an associates, still undecided (but probably for a business management.) 

I am the youngest of 4. Sadie, Steve, Tom, and I. I'm 17, but you wouldn't be able to tell - I'm mature for my age. I used to be a lot more confident,  but I recently realized that I'm not as happy with myself as I could be. But I'm definitely working on it. 

I'm awkward, strange, and I talk a lot. I have zero self control, and get mad quickly. I can't sing, or dance. I come from a huge family, so I'm used to chaos, and hardly being heard. I'm quiet when I first meet people (who isn't though?) and I try to hard to impress people. But I have a lot of heart, and I care.

I want to write about my life before college (and probably during, and after college.) I hope you enjoy what I have to say, and if not, that's fine too. 

I believe everything happens for a reason, but I often forget that. I get stressed easily, but I've finally found a happy medium between work, school, and my social life. I am surrounded by the best people, and I never want that to change. The people in my life before, and are now gone? Good ridden. I've spent to much of my life so far pining over people who weren't worth it. And although it took me awhile to get used to sticking up for myself, I finally did, and I couldn't be happier.  

I also take a lot of half faced pictures and I don't know why.

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